Create a great fundraising event!

Team QCH members are turning their passions into successful events from birthdays and anniversaries to bike rides, runs and golf tournaments anything is possible and it's easy to take your idea and turn it into reality!

Our online tools can help you create a great fundraising event that is right for you!

Get Started

Event ideas

Special Occasion Events
Make your birthday, anniversary or holiday celebration extra special ask your friends and family for gift donations to Team QCH (or Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation).

Casual Fridays
At the office, turn your Fridays (or any other day) into one that makes a meaningful difference! Everyone loves jeans days ask for donations to Team QCH (or Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation) as the price to participate.

Challenge Events
Challenge yourself to complete an athletic event, run a marathon or even conquer your fears! Ask for donations to Team QCH (or Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation) to help you accomplish your goals!

Community BBQs, Pancake Breakfasts
Everyone needs to eat! Organize a Team QCH event in your community with your family and friends or at your workplace with your colleagues to raise funds that make a difference.

Host your own community event start a Team QCH walk in your neighbourhood, organize a community bike ride, or register your already established event as a Team QCH fundraising event!

Create your own event!
Let your passions, interests and creativity lead you to your own fundraising endeavor for Team QCH. Transform your favourite activities into opportunities to make a meaningful difference for the people served by Queensway Carleton Hospital.

Create your event

Need help - contact us!